Top Picks: Best Adult Movies on Disney Plus

Best movie on Disney Plus for adults

The Mesmerizing Magic of Disney: Not Just for Kids

Disney, the name itself ensues a wave of nostalgia that sweeps us off our feet and transports us back to a time when all things were magical, enchanting, and filled with hope. The naive princesses, the gallant princes, talking animals, fairy godmothers–ah! Those were the days when our entire universe revolved around these fantastical characters.

But who said that Disney is just for kids? How many times have we secretly relished watching ‘The Lion King’ or ‘Beauty and the Beast’ alone?

How many times have we clandestinely wiped tears while watching ‘Up’ or smiled coyly at Rapunzel’s antics in ‘Tangled’? Countless times!

Because let’s face it — Disney knows how to tell a story like no one else. Their beautiful narratives are interwoven with life lessons that resonate more profoundly as adults than they ever did when we were children.

Disney movies are strewn with themes like love, friendship, loss, resilience–elements of life that an adult relates to on a much deeper level. They make you laugh; they make you cry; but most importantly they make you feel alive–and what can be more adult than embracing one’s feelings without inhibition!

Unveiling the Hidden Treasures: A Tour Through Adult-Oriented Disney Plus

I know what you’re thinking. “Disney Plus? Isn’t that just another platform with animated kids’ shows?” Well then buckle up my friend because I am about to take you on a journey that will shatter your preconceptions and unveil an entertainment treasure trove catering brilliantly to grown-ups.

Gone are the days when Snow White and her seven dwarfs were the only characters adults could connect with on a metaphorical level. Now, we have the likes of Tony Stark, Black Widow, Skywalker, and Baby Yoda!

Yes! You heard that right.

Disney Plus is home to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Star Wars franchise. This alone should be enough to convince any sceptic that Disney Plus is not just child’s play.

And if you’re still not convinced, then I have two words for you– Pixar and Originals. If movies like ‘Up’, ‘Wall-E’, ‘Inside Out’ do not redefine adult content for you then I don’t know what will!

And let’s not forget about the brilliant originals like ‘The Mandalorian’ or Marvel’s series ‘WandaVision’. Each serving a unique narrative appealing to mature audiences with their nuanced storytelling and complex themes.

The Evolution of Disney: From Fairy Tales to Mature Narratives

The Quintessential Walt’s Legacy: From Steamboat Willie to Star Wars

When one thinks of Disney, the initial imagery that swarms into the mind is a medley of fairytale castles, talking animals, and melodious princesses. It’s an image etched into our collective consciousness by the grand progenitor himself – Walt Disney.

Mr. Disney left a legacy that was all about magic, effervescence, and wholesomeness via characters like Mickey Mouse who made his debut in “Steamboat Willie.” However, what may strike as absolutely dubious and almost sacrilegious for some is the notion of equating this tenderness with explosive space battles and complex political intrigues synonymous with George Lucas’s legendary “Star Wars.” Yes!

It might seem like an impossible transition but remember we’re talking about the entertainment behemoth that is Disney here. They didn’t just casually wake up one day and decided to buy Lucasfilm for a whopping $4 billion!

No! They saw potential – they saw expansion beyond pastel dreamscape into other universes filled with intergalactic spaceships and lightsaber duels.

Disney took this audacious step not out of desperation but vision. A vision to embrace more diversified narratives which resonated with both children and adults alike.

And they nailed it! Today, no one dares question why Darth Vader breathes in sync with Mickey Mouse under the vast umbrella of Disney.

Breaking Stereotype: The Unanticipated Shift from Childishness to Compelling Adult Content

Moving on from chirpy cartoons was indeed a bold move for Disney but it wasn’t without some trepidation. The cultural shift from childish stereotypes to more mature content while keeping the essence of Disney intact was a colossal challenge.

Yes, Disney movies have always had dark undertones cleverly hidden under their vibrant hues (we all remember Mufasa’s death in “The Lion King”), but full-fledged adult content? That was unprecedented.

The “child-friendly” tag had become an albatross around Disney’s neck; however, the acquisition of Star Wars and later Marvel positioned them to break free. They dove headfirst into narratives that explored themes like revenge, political strife, mortality and even mental health.

Suddenly Princesses were no longer the damsels in distress but fierce warriors in their own right and prince charmings had been replaced by flawed yet relatable superheroes. Although some conservative critics may argue that this shift is detrimental to Disney’s childlike purity and innocence, I vehemently disagree.

This transformation has allowed for more nuanced storytelling, enabling them to create characters with depth and stories with layers of complexity – catering to a much wider audience spectrum than ever before. It’s high time we acknowledge and appreciate this evolution rather than bemoaning about the lost innocence!

The Marvelous World of Superheroes

Avengers Assemble!: An Overview of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

From the gritty alleys of Hell’s Kitchen to the cosmic expanses of Asgard, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a multi-layered, multimedia juggernaut that offers a cornucopia of entertainment for discerning adults. The MCU was never designed solely for children. It is an operatic saga that explores nuanced themes and complex relationships, all ensnared in a grand web of epic battles and world-ending threats.

Take “Endgame”, for instance. This is not some kitschy spectacle crafted solely to sell action figures (although it does that too).

Rather, it’s an emotionally charged culmination of over a decade’s worth of painstaking storytelling that grapples with concepts like sacrifice, responsibility, and legacy. Even beyond its flagship Avengers titles, the MCU boasts deeply engrossing narratives such as “Black Panther,” which delves into topics like isolationism and racial identity; or “Doctor Strange,” which deals with ego-death and spiritual awakening, cleverly disguised as superhero flicks.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 1 & 2: Comedy, Action And A Talking Raccoon!

Now let’s talk about “Guardians Of The Galaxy”. Here we have a ragtag ensemble consisting of an earthling with serious mommy issues (Star Lord), a vengeance-driven brute with literal comprehension problems (Drax), an assassin seeking redemption against her tyrant adoptive father (Gamora), a genetically-engineered talking raccoon (Rocket), and his sentient tree companion who communicates using only three words: ‘I am Groot’.

This motley crew wrestles both physical opponents and emotional baggage while dancing along to Star Lord’s “Awesome Mix” tape – offering us comedy gold amidst heart-wrenching moments that resonate with adult viewers. “Guardians” is a light-hearted manifestation of familial bonds, individual growth, and unexpected friendships – a narrative that’s more “Breakfast Club” than “Lunchbox Gang”.

Exploring Galaxies Far, Far Away

Star Wars Saga: Epic Space Opera with a Cult Following

When it comes to mature narratives in the cosmos, Star Wars stands peerless. This epic space opera has transcended generations and has grown into a cultural phenomenon – shaping not only cinema but seeping into our societal tapestry as well.

The original trilogy was revolutionary in its time – portraying a David-and-Goliath tale between the Rebellion and the Empire; exploring philosophical concepts through The Force; and presenting complex character arcs like Vader’s redemption – all layered beneath lightsaber duels and spaceship dogfights. These themes continue to persist in the later movies as they grapple with moral ambiguities, political corruption, heritage complex, and deconstructing iconographies – making this epic saga much more than just ‘space wizards with laser swords’.

The Mandalorian: Bounty Hunting with Baby Yoda

Yet another jewel in Disney Plus’ crown is ‘The Mandalorian’. Stripping away the grand scale of intergalactic politics that Star Wars is known for, this series focuses on an intimate story about an unassuming bounty hunter’s relationship with an instantaneous internet sensation – Baby Yoda (The Child).

Their journey breathes life into the dusty corners of Star Wars Universe while offering new narratives untethered from established legacies. Moreover, it expertly weaves together traditional Western tropes with space-age aesthetics creating ‘Space Western’, balancing episodic adventures-of-the-week with overarching narratives.

Pixar’s Hidden Gems for Grown-Ups

Up: An Adventure of Lifetime and Coping with Loss

Now, don’t even get me started on Pixar. Their poignant storytelling makes you laugh, cry, and question your existence in equal measures. Specifically, ‘Up’ – a movie that begins with the most heart-wrenching montage of love and loss – teaches us that age is but a number when it comes to embarking on new adventures.

Carl Fredricksen does not embark upon his journey to fulfill a childhood dream until he’s well into his golden years. His story serves as a reminder that it’s never too late to change, pursue your dreams or find new reasons to live.

Inside Out: Understanding Emotions through Animation

And then there’s ‘Inside Out’ — an animated movie for children? Sure.

But more importantly, it’s a profound exploration into human emotions that offers valuable lessons for adults as well. The film delves into complex psychological theories about memory formation and emotional growth with nuance and inventiveness that would put many Oscar-bait dramas to shame.

Through the film’s adorable anthropomorphized emotions, we explore the spectrum of human feelings in its full glory. With this masterstroke, Pixar manages to convey one simple yet profound message: It’s okay to not be okay all the time.

The Underrated Classics on Disney Plus for Adults

A Surreal Journey into Darkness: The Black Cauldron

Ah, ‘The Black Cauldron’, a controversial choice indeed and quite the black sheep in the Disney filmography. But let’s face it, folks!

This 1985 gem deserves more recognition for daring to tread where few Disney movies have ever dared to wander – into the realm of dark fantasy. Yes, it may not have singing princesses or lovable sidekicks, but it has an atmosphere and aesthetic that screams ‘epic’!

In its essence, ‘The Black Cauldron’ is a bold departure from Disney’s typical fairy-tale narrative. It’s bleak and menacing at times but still retains the fundamental elements of camaraderie and heroism.

The film tells a somber tale of power and sacrifice and succeeds in doing so without mollycoddling its audience. You will find no “happily ever after” here, only raw and arduous triumph.

One cannot discuss ‘The Black Cauldron’ without highlighting its groundbreaking animation style that significantly contributed to its distinctive aura. The haunting visuals paired with Elmer Bernstein’s ominous score create an immersive world that comfortably settles between charmingly nostalgic and unsettlingly eerie.

Space Odyssey Meets Age-Old Adventure: Treasure Planet

Now let me transport you from the dark terrains of Prydain to the intergalactic expanses with another underrated classic – ‘Treasure Planet’. Here’s a movie that epitomizes a brave attempt at breathing life into Robert Louis Stevenson’s timeless tale by setting it against an astronomical backdrop!

Yet, criminally underappreciated! ‘Treasure Planet’ deftly combines 19th-century aesthetics with futuristic technology creating an intriguing confluence of past meets future.

It worms its way right into the heart of those who appreciate a good coming-of-age saga. Jim Hawkins, our protagonist, is not spun from the usual Disney cloth – he’s flawed, rebellious and laden with teenage angst.

Amidst the backdrop of space pirates and alien worlds, ‘Treasure Planet’ manages to tell a poignant tale about father-figures and redemption. Long John Silver’s unexpected paternal role towards Jim lends depth to his character making him more than just an antagonist.

It’s these nuanced complexities that make ‘Treasure Planet’ a worthy watch! Let’s not forget its stunning animation that combines traditional hand-drawn techniques with CGI, creating breathtaking visuals that are nothing short of a visual banquet!

Be it the ethereal glow of the titular planet or thrilling etherium sailing sequences; each frame is meticulously crafted. I urge you, dear reader: venture beyond mainstream Disney offerings, and explore these forgotten classics.

Disney Originals that Captivate Adult Audiences

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: A Turbulent Journey in a Post-Captain America World

In an era of superhero saturation, ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ emerges as a soaring triumph, defying conventions and expectations. There is no mistaking it for another mindless action blockbuster; this series is a thoughtful exploration of legacy, identity, and the complex geopolitics that govern our world.

It delves into the poignant reality of living in Captain America’s shadow, where every action is measured against an unreachable golden standard. Sam Wilson (The Falcon) grapples with his hesitance towards accepting the iconic shield while Bucky Barnes (The Winter Soldier) battles his dark past as Hydra’s assassin.

These are not flat caricatures but richly drawn characters burdened with relatable struggles; their emotional journey is just as engaging as their high-octane adventures. The series doesn’t shy away from addressing contemporary socio-political issues either.

It highlights racial disparity subtly yet effectively through Isaiah Bradley’s tragic story – a black super soldier whose sacrifices were conveniently forgotten by history. With such intricate storytelling coupled with exceptional performances by Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan, ‘The Falcon and The Winter Soldier’ truly represents Disney’s successful foray into mature narratives.

WandaVision: A Surreal Odyssey through Love, Loss, and Reality Manipulation

‘WandaVision,’ ladies and gentlemen, has transformed the Marvel Cinematic Universe! This quirky Disney+ original took us on a windswept journey across decades of television history while firmly grounding its narrative in poignant human emotions – love, grief & acceptance. The plot follows Wanda Maximoff post ‘Avengers: Endgame’, who uses her telekinetic powers to construct an idealized reality where her deceased lover Vision is alive.

This surreal sitcom-style world pays homage to classics like ‘Bewitched’ and ‘I Love Lucy’, a nostalgia trip that older viewers will particularly appreciate. Yet, beneath this light-hearted veneer lurks a heartbreaking exploration of grief and loss.

Elizabeth Olsen delivers a tour de force performance as Wanda, capturing the complexities of her character’s trauma with nuance and depth. The show’s finale is particularly powerful, featuring some of the most emotionally resonant moments in MCU history.

As Wanda tearfully bids goodbye to her family she created, we are left with an empty ache, proving that superhero tales can indeed move us beyond thrilling action sequences. ‘WandaVision’ is not just a triumph for Disney+; it’s a game-changer for how we perceive comic book adaptations.

Behind-the-Scenes Documentaries that Entice Adult Viewers

Lifting the Veil: The Allure of The Imagineering Story

Disney Plus is not just a trove of fictional narratives and larger-than-life characters. It’s also home to some breathtakingly detailed behind-the-scenes documentaries that cater exclusively to mature audiences’ curiosity for the mechanics behind magic.

One such gem is ‘The Imagineering Story.’ This docuseries peels back the curtain on Disneyland’s creation, providing an intimate glimpse into Walt Disney’s ambitious dream and its transformation into technicolor reality. ‘The Imagineering Story’ takes you on a captivating journey – from Disneyland’s nascent stages to its evolution as a global leisure destination.

You will witness Walt Disney’s determination, the innovative ideas of his brother Roy, and their team – known as ‘Imagineers’ – who pushed boundaries with each new attraction. The documentary showcases not only their groundbreaking successes but also their unprecedented failures, painting an all-encompassing portrait of relentless creativity.

Watch this gripping series if you thirst for knowledge about how Disneyland’s enchanting world came into existence. It offers an eye-opening look at the sweat, tears, and unyielding passion poured into crafting every intricate detail that makes us wonder in awe today.

The Unseen World: More Documentaries to Explore

Shifting our focus from theme parks to other treasures tucked away in Disney Plus’s labyrinthine library, allow me emphasize on an important point – your subscription stretches far beyond superhero sagas and animated adventures. There is much more to discover! For instance, there are insightful documentaries like ‘Empire of Dreams: The Story of the Star Wars Trilogy,’ which chronicles George Lucas’s phenomenal sci-fi saga from conception to cultural phenomenon.

Then there is ‘Into the Unknown: Making Frozen II,’ offering rare peeks behind Elsa and Anna’s latest adventure. These are equally enthralling for adult viewers, revealing the painstaking efforts behind their favorite films.


In our expedition through Disney Plus’s expansive landscape, we have traversed superhero realms, navigated interstellar galaxies, delved into Pixar’s poignant narratives and even unearthed underrated classics. We’ve witnessed Disney evolve from a purveyor of fairy tales to a platform where narratives resonate with adults just as much as children – if not more. As we part ways, remember this – Disney Plus is an infinite treasure trove waiting to be explored.

So why let kids have all the fun? Embrace your inner child and dive into this mesmerizing world of imagination where there’s always something new to discover.

After all, age is but a number when it comes to enjoying good storytelling. In the inspiring words of Walt himself: “Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, dreams are forever.” Enjoy your voyages in Disney Plus’s enchanting universe!

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